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Princess of Wales Regiment Officer’s Light Dragoon Saber – Universal Swords


Battle Ready
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SKU: USS157 | Categories: Tag:
Battle Ready

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    This British Light Dragoon Saber is a reproduction of the swords wielded by the Princess of Wales 30th Light Dragoon Regiment from 1794-1796. A very similar sword was carried by the 10th Prince of Wales LDR. These knuckle-bow swords were commonly issued to the British Light Cavalry. The origin of this design is not known – it seems French in style but an Austrian Hussar regiment had of a similar, early design.

    Before 1914 officers swords in the British Army were not officially issued – they purchased their own blades privately. Prior to that in 1788, they were required to have swords uniform with the regiment. Though required to have similar swords with their men, the officers distinguished their blades with decor and etching over the more plan trooper sabers, such as the reproduction offered here. The Guard of the blade displays OR Princess of Waless Light Dragoons XXX the reverse side bears the cypher of the Princess of Wales with the motto Ich Dien – meaning I serve.

    The blade of this saber is crafted from unsharpened, tempered high carbon steel. The guard and pommel are of steel and the wooden grip sandwiched over the tang is of wood with a cross-hatch etched grip. The scabbard is of black leather over wood that is covered by an extensive steel sleeve. It has two steel hanging rings.

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