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Albion Machiavelli Sword


Battle Ready
SKU: ANS23 | Categories: Tag:
Battle Ready

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    ”All cities that ever at any time have been ruled by an absolute prince, by aristocrats or by the people, have had for their protection force combined with prudence, because the latter is not enough alone…” – Machiavelli, Words to be Spoken on the Law for Appropriating Money

    This Renaissance sword has a hilt that was popular in Italy and Spain from the last quarter of the 15th Century (or even slightly earlier) and into the 16th Century. To NiccolMachiavelli, swords of this type would have been quite familiar. Ever pragmatic with a keen eye for the right action at the right time, we thought it fitting to name the sword after him. Swords like these were favoured by light skirmishers, but might also have been used by more heavily armoured troops. In late 15th C art you can see how young blades around town are wearing swords with civilian clothes by this period. Even though we have stressed the Italian connection by naming it after the famous political philosopher, it is quite probable that early conquistadores carried weapons much like this on their campaigns in the new world.

    In character this weapon is a dedicated cutting weapon, but thrusting comes natural as well and it takes very little effort to land the point where it is intended. It has an overall weight and heft that invites quick and flowing style of swordsmanship. The edge geometry is rather fine, and is shaped according to a few well preserved blades in Italian collections, as well as a famous one in the Royal Armouries in Leeds. This is not a sword for desperate armour bashing, but one that allows well aimed and well timed cuts and thrust with deadly efficiency. A dependable and agile sword for a swordsman with cool head and hot temper, perhaps. It shares the same blade as the Condottiere and the Kern of the Next Generation line.

    A sword like this is like a last flowering of the European medieval knightly sword, hinting at things yet to come. A weapon of special character representing an important step in the evolution of the sword.

    The Machiavelli has a hand ground high carbon steel blade that is tempered for flexibility and edge retention. The crossguard and pommel are cast from mild steel. The grip is stabilized birch wood, cord-wrapped and fitted over with tight leather.

    The sword grip comes in a selection of colors, please select an option below.

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