Our sharpening service will provide a good serviceable edge on the blade. The result is typically “very sharp” with a small secondary bevel and a bit of an “apple seed” profile. The resulting edge is somewhat dependent on the particular blade. Some blades will take and hold sharper edges than others and the thickness of the blade will determine how wide the bevel will need to be. We adjust the angle of the edge to suit the specific blade and attempt to get as close to a bevel-less edge as possible without marring the surface of the blade.
The Sharpening Process
The sharpening service is done with a belt sander. The process involves many passes with sanding belts of various grits. The blades are rested between passes to prevent them from becoming hot and damaging their temper. By default we will sharpen as much of the blade as possible including any false edges if appropriate. If you have a different preference, feel free to make that request in the special instructions at check out. We can sharpen only the last half or third of an edge, for example. Our sword sharpening expert has personally sharpened several thousand swords at this point, so will provide you with a professional service.
What the Service is Not
The resulting edge will be “sword sharp” not razor sharp. Our goal is to provide you with a usable edge for cutting practice that will hold up to some use and not require constant re-sharpening. In other words, we intend to provide you with a serviceable weapon, not a personal grooming implement. The service will not provide a completely bevel-less edge. To create that type of edge will necessarily scratch up the blade surface and we lack the machinery and time to provide a full re-polishing of a blade’s surface. A service of that nature would be significantly more expensive as a great deal more time would be required. We do not offer this type of service at this time.
We make no guarantee that the resulting edge will meet with your expectations. Every blade is different and some will take and hold a sharper edge than others, due to the blade material, heat treatment or geometry. Some customers can also have incorrect assumptions about sword sharpness and improper expectations as a result. All we can say for sure is that the resulting edge will be sharper than the default edge, in most cases, significantly so. We can not provide any refunds for the service once it has been completed, so consider it to be provided “as is”. That being said, if you are unhappy with the product for any reason, we do still allow you to return the item for a full refund, including the sharpening costs under our normal return policy. This does not apply to special sharpening requests, for example if we sharpen something specially for you that does not normally list that option on our site. The vast majority of our customers are happy with the results of the service, so as long as you keep the above mentioned in mind, we are confident you will be pleased with the results as well.
Lord S. –
Monster Slayer! This is a big, bad,pointy cleaver of the first order. Yes,it’s a little too heavy,but at this price point,you kinda have to expect that. The workmanship and the details are outstanding! There were a few light scratches on the blade,but a little crocus cloth and some oil remedied that. The crossguard and pommel really are cast stainless steel and the sheath and belt are made out of nice supple leather. I’m glad I spotted this when I did. Well worth the investment!
Jeremy Reid –
This sword is absolutely gorgeous with the double fullered blade. It’s very solid with substantial weight, but feels very nimble in the hands. Keep in mind it’s a borderline great sword with a near 38 inch blade. Edge geometry looks great and comes suitably sharpened, so I imagine it will be a great cutter. Overall very pleased with Ronin Katana and Kult of Athena. Quick shipping and great communication.
Joshua Swinarton (verified owner) –
This is the first sword I’ve gotten, and I have to say I’m very pleased. The weight and balance in my hands is nearly perfect. The blade is passably sharp, but it could be sharpened pretty easily at home. The scabbard is also a great fit. I have no trouble sheathing or unsheathing the sword, and I’m not worried about it falling out of the scabbard. The blades finish is also very nice, and there are no blemishes on the blade from what I’ve seen. The pommel has some scuffs though, but I feel like it just adds some character. The only thing about the whole setup that I don’t like is that the sword belt is much to big for me, but that isn’t to big of a problem in the long run. Overall, this is a very good piece, especially for beginner sword collectors.
Day kinsey (verified owner) –
Have you ever wondered what it is like to FEEL like a true hero right out of a storybook, well here it is, this is truly an exceptional blade the weight of a heavy swing with that shining double fuller accent running down the blade as the sun gleams across it, you will fall into a midevil realm with this true masterpiece.
Langston C (verified owner) –
An excellent sword for the price. Nice and heavy in the hand, but well-balanced. Sharp enough to cut with straight out of the box, and well made. The scabbard is high quality and holds the sword securely, although I did buy a separate sword frog instead of using the belt that it came with. There was a minor blemish on the cross guard on the hilt side, and a few very very faint and minor scratches on the blade, but other than that, it’s perfect.
I can’t recommend this sword enough for beginner sword collectors, and it’s an excellent additional to any armory.
connorsteffen (verified owner) –
it feels good in the hand, cuts well out of the box, and was within the price range to boot. the construction is solid and I’m glad that this one is the start to my future collection
Caleb Bates (verified owner) –
Great sword for the price range, very solid construction and assembly. I can barely even see where the pommel was peeked, which is impressive considering its shape. The blade is indeed very sharp and strong and it looks great with the double fullers. The handle feels great and the leather wrapping is nice and tight. The crossguard has a few blemishes and scratches but I personally don’t think they’re prominent enough to matter. No issues at all with the scabbard though, it fits tight but doesn’t make it difficult to draw the sword, it looks nice and has a good belt. Yes, it is a little heavy, most of the Ronin Katana models are, but it more than makes up for it with the price and quality. Overall great sword for beginners.
Bent (verified owner) –
So, finally giving a review after cutting earlier today. When it arrived it was flawless. Handles great, looks awesome. The way the handle is made, you know quickly how to grip the sword, it is not a hand and half style longsword.
Cutting with it, it edge alignment is off, it will let you know. Otherwise it cuts surprisingly well for such a think edge. I had only the slightest glinting after cutting practice which ended with cutting down some small, 1in or less, brush/trees. Again, if edge alignment was correct the 1/2 or less was not a problem. Somewhere during the harder cutting the super acute pont bent. I was able to do some minor fixing with sandpaper and sandblocks, so no complaints or was I shocked it happened.
-beautiful blad
-pommel feels great in the hand
-feels great moving around or cutting for such a big sword
-Functionally sharp
-all fittings and scabbard retention is great!!!
-Grip is a little thick, but not uncomfortable.
-The super acute point is definitely going to roll/bend if you do any kind of cutting besides water bottles.
Definitely worth the money in my mind. Only thing I would suggest being fixed is the super acute point and maybe a slightly thinner handle going perpendicular to the crossguard/edge of the blade.
Michael Maldonado (verified owner) –
I’ve had this sword for about 6 months, and it has been fun as hell to swing in my backyard the blade itself was immaculate but I’d suggest that after unboxing you look for another sword belt system as the one provided is meh but that’s not really important to me, the sword is badass and for the price I think it might the best bang for buck.