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The Hobbit – Glamdring The Sword of Gandalf


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    Turgon, King of Gondolin, wields, has and holds the sword Glamdring, foe of Morgoths realm, hammer to the Orcs. Thus reads the inscription upon the hilt of Glamdring, the ancient elf sword, lost for an age, but rediscovered in a troll-hoard by Gandalf and the Company of Dwarves. A superbly crafted sword, Gandalf henceforth wielded it against the foes of Middle Earth, many of whom would panic at the mere sight of this fabled blade.

    The reproduction by United Cutlery is crafted in stainless steel for easy maintenance. Blue stitched leather covers the handle. The deeply-fullered, leaf-shaped blade is blunted on the edges, though the tip itself is slightly sharp. It comes with a wall-mounting plaque adorned with Middle-Earth motifs and a certificate of authenticity.

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